Picture of Rob and Grafitti
Sharon Drummond

A New Blog

Every couple of years I refresh my digital footprint on the web and essentially start over.  Most of it is due to a change in interests.  Over the years, I've had web projects for my nerd endeavors (The Hedge Maze), my DJing (DJ Sizzly), my Warhammer pursuits (iToysoldiers) and more. Now, as I'm getting a bit older I kind of want a project that isn't so... work intensive.  So I figured a fairly straight forward blog would be a good way to get me writing and creating stuff again.  And here we are.

Welcome to the new robtacey.com blog.

Whilst I reserve the right to ramble on any topic, the real purpose of this blog is to share my experiences as a one man IT shop for a manufacturing company. I should've started this when I was first hired but since there'll always be anecdotes and learning going on I don't think that really matters. Some of it'll be philosophy - I've been doing this a while so I get to call it philosophy.  Some of it'll be solutions to stuff that was just annoying to figure out.  The rest? We shall see.

In any case, welcome to the blog.  I hope it helps you out a little bit.


This article was updated on March 30, 2021

Rob Tacey

Rob is the IT Systems Manager for a manufacturing automation company in Southwestern Ontario. It's great. He's a technologist focusing on information technology, IT security, and customer satisfaction. With over 20 years of experience in various IT roles, it might actually be worth reading some of his stuff.
