State of the Blog, April 2021
Site Metrics
Page Views/Month | New Users/Month |
53/250 | 10 |
Total Clicks | Impressions | Click Thru Ratio | Avg Position |
4 | 87 | 4.6% | 40.9 |
- The blog has only been posting content since 2021/02/16.
- As there are less than 20 posts on the site there has not been any attempt to promote the content on Twitter.
- The number of Google Search impressions is gradually increasing and next month I'll post a running three months of data.
Social Media Metrics
Twitter Followers | Retweets/Mentions | |
4 | 2 |
- At this point it is too early to provide a baseline for social media exposure.
- I am focusing on Twitter as the primary social media channel for the blog.
- In March I was not promoting content on the site. I was, however, interacting with some posts which resulted in additional followers and mentions.
Future Metrics
- Once Google Adsense approves the site, advertising metrics will be important
I have not done much promotion for the site because I had less than 20 posts. This particular post pushes the site to the 20 post milestone so I'll be promoting some of the content on Twitter this month. That should help improve the numbers. Also, I didn't spend as much time on the site myself making sure everything works because it's pretty fire and forget now. That also reduced some of of the user counts this month. Oh, and I also blocked traffic from China using Cloudfront. The traffic loss there is probably significant but the traffic I lose isn't terribly relevant to the content I generate.
With that in mind, then, I'm actually not that concerned that there's not that much traffic on the site. It'll get better this month.
Statistics are generated from the following:
- Google Analytics
- Google Developer Console
- AWS Billing console
- Hoot Suite Dashboard